Akita Tonburi - Kaviar des Feldes - Samen der Pflanze Kochia Scoparia 170g

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Akita Tonburi - Kaviar des Feldes - Samen der Pflanze Kochia Scoparia 170g

Available on request
CHF 22.00

These are seeds from the Houkigi or Koshia scoparia plant, an Akita Prefecture regional specialty. The black and green pearled seeds, 1 to 2 mm in diameter resemble fish eggs, with a very crunchy texture and a taste of broccoli and artichoke. In Japan tonburi, has become an essential ingredient of the Akita Buddhist vegetarian Shojin-ryori cuisine. In Japan it is known as the "CAVIAR" of the fields. It accompanies smoked fish ( salmon, eel, halibut, haddock ) or can be blended into a mayonnaise. It garnishes blinis and other savoury reductions..., it brings out all the taste of tofu, sashimi, soy sauce, miso... The secret of success is to season just before serving ! The crunchiness will surprise you.