White Sesameoil roasted 140gr

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White Sesameoil roasted 140gr

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CHF 12.00

White sesame oil
Ingredients: roasted white sesame seeds
Nutritional value/100ml: 3762kJ(900 kcal), fat 100 g, carbohydrate 0.1g, protein 0.1g, salt 0g
No chemical additives, no flavour-enhancing additives, no preservatives. The white sesame seeds are cleaned, soaked and dried, then roasted and pressed. Only the first pressing is used for this sesame oil; only 12kg of oil (30%) is obtained from 40kg of sesame seeds. After pressing, the oil is cooled very slowly. Hot water is then added, stirred and left to stand for a month so that the impurities and floating particles separate from the oil. The sesame oil is drawn off and heated in a vat over a wood fire. Before bottling, it is filtered through Japanese paper (washi). Sesame oil is used in traditional and modern Japanese cuisine for cooking and flavouring dishes.
Manufacturer: Yamadaseiyu AG, Japan.
Shelf life: 270 days. Storage: at room temperature.