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Sake Education Videos

Sake Education Videos

John Gauntner, einer der wenigen nicht-Japaner, der es geschafft hat in die Guilde der renommierten Sake Bewerter in Japan aufgenommen zu werden.
Neben viel Schulungen über Sake, Verfassen von Sachbüchern,  produziert er auch kuze Videos rund um Sake. Einführungen in die Sake Welt und guten Erklärungen wie Sake hergestellt wird uvm.
Schauen Sie sich doch die Kurzvideos an.

The Basics of Sake Part I to III 

Tokyo aus der nächtlichen Vogelperspektive

Tokyo aus der nächtlichen Vogelperspektive

Der You­tube-Film Japan Night Aeri­als in 8K bie­tet nächt­li­che Vogel­per­spek­ti­ven, wie man sie so nur sel­ten zu Gesicht bekommt. Es sind kris­tall­kla­re 8K-Auf­nah­men der bekann­tes­ten Vier­tel der Haupt­stadt Tokio sowie von Yokohama. 

Dazu gehö­ren der Tokyo Skyt­ree (0:01), Rop­pon­gi Hills (0:20), Tokyo Sta­ti­on mit der kai­ser­li­chen Anla­ge im Hin­ter­grund (0:40), der Tokyo Tower (1:09), das Ver­wal­tungs­ge­bäu­de Tokyo Metro­po­li­tan Government Buil­ding in Shin­juku mit sei­nen Dop­pel­tür­men (1:36), Shi­bu­ya mit sei­nem berühm­ten Scram­ble Cross­sing (2:20), die nach Odai­ba füh­ren­de Rain­bow Bridge (2:50) und das Hafen­vier­tel Mina­to Mirai in Yoko­ha­ma mit sei­nem nächt­lich beleuch­te­ten Rie­sen­rad und dem Land­mark Tower, dem einst höchs­te Wol­ken­krat­zer Japans (3:51).

Die­ses visu­el­le Kunst­werk erschaf­fen hat die japa­ni­sche Video­pro­duk­ti­ons-Fir­ma Arm­a­das. Unter­stützt wur­de sie dabei von einem Hub­schrau­ber des Flug­un­ter­neh­mens Naka­nihon Air Ser­viceArm­a­dashat noch wei­te­re ein­drück­li­che Vide­os erschaf­fen, wie zum Bei­spiel Japan in 8K oder Above Japan in 8K, wo auch die länd­li­che und tra­di­tio­nel­le Sei­te des Lan­des zu sehen ist. 

Hiraku Ogura - Fermentation Designer

Hiraku Ogura - Fermentation Designer

Listening to the Voices of Microorganisms
Ein Film von NHK World über einen jungen Forscher der der Fermentation zu neuem Aufschwung verhelfen will.

Miso and other fermented foods are key to Japanese cuisine, a favorite of health-conscious foodies the world over. But increasing food diversity has led to a 40% decline in miso consumption over the last 20 years. This has prompted Hiraku Ogura, a self-proclaimed "fermentation designer," to produce animation and songs about microbial action, hold miso-making workshops, and showcase regional foods to explore the link between fermentation and Japanese culture. Join us for more on Face To Face.

The Thruths about Wasabi

The Thruths about Wasabi

Have you ever eaten wasabi?

If you answered “yes” to that question, you are likely mistaken. Most sushi eaters—even in Japan—are actually being served a mixture of ground horseradish and green food coloring, splashed with a hint of Chinese mustard. Worldwide, experts believe that this imposter combination masquerades as wasabi about 99 percent of the time.

The reason boils down to supply and demand. Authentic wasabi, known as Wasabia japonica, is the most expensive crop in the world to grow. The temperamental semiaquatic herb, native to the mountain streams of central Japan, is notoriously difficult to cultivate. Once planted, it takes several years to harvest; even then, it doesn’t germinate unless conditions are perfect. Grated wasabi root loses its flavor within 15 minutes.

The Japanese have grown wasabi for more than four centuries. The 75-year-old Shigeo Iida, the eighth-generation owner of his family’s wasabi farm in Japan, takes pride in his tradition, which is profiled in Edwin Lee’s short documentary Wasabia Japonica, co-produced by Japan Curator. “Real wasabi, like the ones we grow, has a unique, fragrant taste that first hits the nose,” Iida says in the film. “The sweetness comes next, followed finally by spiciness.”

The film details Iida’s method of sustainable farming, known in Japan as tatamiishi. “It’s one of the most intricate organic farming systems,” Lee told me. Tatamiishi farms like Iida’s are built on sloped hillsides near rivers, harnessing the power of nature. Despite the plant’s finicky nature, Iida doesn’t use chemicals or fertilizers.

“In this day and age, where mass farming and manufacturing are dominant, it`s refreshing to see a farming method that eschews modern technology,” Lee told me. “Tatamiishi farming results in some of the best wasabi in the world.”

Lee believes that many people would be surprised if they were afforded the chance to try real wasabi. “Like me,” he said, “it`ll be difficult to go back to the fake stuff.”

Sake Pairing

Sake Pairing

Kleiner Lernvideo von JSS über Sake Pairing

How Japanese Sake is made

How Japanese Sake is made


Glückliches Essen - Oshizushi

Glückliches Essen - Oshizushi

Ein kleiner Video den wir gedreht haben anlässlich unserer Restaurant Zeit.

Sake Produktion Showcase JSS

Sake Produktion Showcase JSS

Guter moderner Video über die Sake Produktion